My Favorite Photographs of 2021
“Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop,” photographer Ansel Adams once suggested. I think he was right. With Adams thought in mind, I am delighted to share with you my twelve favorite photographs made in 2021. I'd love to hear from you about which ones are your favorites. Please let me know in the comment section below.
Ruby Beach, Late Afternoon, Olympic National Park, Washington
Approaching Storm, Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico
Wapiskaw-maskwa White Bear, Cree (for the Native Light Photo Collaboration)
Cuchara Aspens, Autumn, Spanish Peaks, Colorado
Duane, Kiowa/Kewa, Powwow Dancer (for the Native Light Photo Collaboration)
Our Lady of the Rio Chama and Approaching Storm, Late Summer, near Abiquiú, New Mexico
Crystal Starr Skye, Lakota/Diné (for the Native Light Photo Collaboration)
Mother & Child Reunion, Late Afternoon, Lincoln, New Mexico
ViLette and the Dragon (El Dragon), New Mexico
Fort Union National Monument, Late Summer, New Mexico
Glowing Cottonwood on a Starry Night, Autumn, White Sands National Park, New Mexico
Holiday Lights, New Years Eve, Santa Fe, New Mexico